Saturday, June 28, 2008

Long, but Great Day!

kind of a long day today.
but no, aint a drag.

morning went to school for APEL 2 (Applied Principles of Effective Living).
was presentation day.
everything was smooth sailing.
i think i talked crap abit. haha.

met up with Julian.
passed me cash to buy him Scratch Cards (Habbo Hotel Cards).
was like drug kinda dealing.
i met him, he shoved the money to me, and i left.

after that went gaming with Sam & Alvin.
abit sian actually because everybody left and the feeling is very weird.
like sudden loneliness.
okayy nevermind.

supposed to meet up with Regu to get Shamir`s birthday gift at 1500 at Changi.
getting him a fishing rod & reel so he can fish with us next time.
well like always, we don`t really meet up punctually.
met him at 1630 instead.

recce for rods & reel.
found a decent one that suits him.
bought it and went off to meet him at his place.
found out he just finished bathing his cats.

we then shoot of to Whitesands Mac.
did some planning of an operation.
when my lappy batt running low, we left & walk walk around.
damn bored.
waiting for Sheikh actually.
long time no see.

when we meet together all over again, its like we are who we are when we last part.
still abit crazy. LOL!
laugh non-stop, digging up memories of the past.
its damn shiok laa just to slack & talk about the old days.
hmm.. yeah.
miss alot of stuffs back in secondary school.
my friends, my classroom, the teachers.. yeah.

time is always moving.
thats something i don`t like.
but well, its life aint it.
without knowing it, years pass.
friends come & goes, friends stays...

went home, saw a girl very resembling to her.
it reminds me of the past.
its abit creepy.
like a sudden gush of moments with her flowing back into my mind.
but well to say again, its not LOVE.
its something way MORE beautiful than that.

hmm. yeah.
oh yaa!
finally spotted SHIMANO FIREBLOOD at Changi Village while recce-ing for Shamir`s gift.
damn they come in 3 sizes.
the smallest is selling at $450.
damn ex laa.
but well, its VERY beautiful than in the picture itself.
i don`t even know if i EVER gonna get one.
if i get my hands on it, i won`t use it!
i`d rather have it displayed in my room.
okok. stop dreaming. wakakaa.

well yeah, i guess thats that for today.

black will paint over white,
& red will stain it.

` samarra .

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